Tuesday, July 10, 2012

When life gives you lemons... make lemonade!

Following the old adage about lemons, when the Lord provided carrots I made Sunny Carrot Salad, Carrot Fritters and Carrot Pineapple Bread.  I needed a side to bring for a church activity and just in time the Lord provided a large bag of grated carrots.  I went searching for some recipes online and made 3 different recipes.  I enjoyed the combination of carrots, pineapple and raisins in the salad and the bread was good too.  The carrot fritters tasted fine but it was an unusual flavor combination for me.  It was a fried batter with sweet carrot pieces flavor.  I think they needed a sauce but I don't know what kind.  I didn't take the fritters to the church activity but I think everyone liked the bread and salad.